San Diego Metro Stop Architectural Photography by |
Ask God to wake you up each morning at His time. For me this
takes going bed shortly after the sun goes down, and waking up when the Holy
Spirit nudges me in the morning. God includes enough time for all the prayer
you need before you start your day. As you go through your day, you will have
enough time to allow every child to cross the street without trying to run them over, and every car that needs to merge in front of you has time. Every person in the
store, on the street, serving you food, deserves enough of your time to be
thoughtful, courteous, pleasant and loving. God is never in a hurry, He is
always on time. If you belong to God, and He guides your every footstep,
everything you will do tomorrow God already finished preparing for you before
you were born.
Time Square, New York |
Patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and
patience comes from trusting God that He is in control of the smallest detail
of your life. Maybe being 5 minutes late to work will keep you from being in a
5 car pileup on the freeway. Trust God, and plan to be at every appointment 15
minutes early. When you get there early, you can relax, have some water, use
the restroom, and be truly ready instead of showing up sweaty and frustrated
because the traffic was so bad.
"There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His." Hebrews 4: 9,10
All this is really great advice, until you have deadlines, have to be somewhere at a certain time, or have to prepare for something, and don’t feel you have enough time. Then is when you need prayer the most! Sometimes God laughs at our plans, and makes His own. Are you willing to be His tool and let Him control your life? Will you trust that He knows what He is doing, and He hasn’t gotten busy with something or someone else and forgot about you? You are the apple of God’s eye, and this very moment Jesus is thinking about how much He loves you! So slow down, trust God, and “be ye therefore perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is perfect.”
keywords: Christian, Jesus, traffic, rest, Sabbath, God, trust, faith, plans, bible, Christ, happy