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Thursday, January 26, 2012

A one-day detox program for the whole person

Images by Dennis Davis,
Whole Person Detox program

Day One – Mental work

You can never change the past. Stop thinking about the past, stop worrying about it, and stop blaming other people and yourself for your past. You cannot change it. It is the past. Weed the words “should” used together with “have” out of your vocabulary. “You should have bought Apple stock when it was $1.22. Now it is $822, and you are broke, what an idiot.” This statement makes no sense at all, as you “should have” done a million things if you could see the future, and make decisions based on an accurate crystal ball. Stop telling yourself and others what they should have done. They didn’t, you didn’t, and it’s in the past. Move on.

Your work for today is to make a list of 10 people in your past that you are blaming for your current situation. Write their names on a piece of paper. Carry the paper with you though out the day. Look at each name on the list. Say to the name “I forgive you for what you did in the past. My blame and hate against you, and my desire for revenge will no longer control me. I repent of my planning to get back at you, and I give up the right to revenge. I will allow the universe and your own goodness or evil to bring upon you what you deserve.

At the end of the day, walk to a quiet place in nature, and burn, bury or somehow destroy the list. Tomorrow morning you never think of those people again, except in a positive light.

Begin a blog, diary, or note or plans about the future. Write down a 10 day goal, a 10 month goal and a 10 year goal. Think about how you can help as many people with your life as possible, and write some specific ideas down. Show what you have written to one other person tomorrow. Write the answer to this question, “If you were given $87.2 billion tomorrow, what would you do with your time, now that you don’t have to work for a living.” I didn’t ask what you would do with the money; I ask how you would spend your time, and how the money would change how you spend your time.

Spiritual Work

Read this prayer three times today, and begin to memorize it.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Images by Dennis Davis,

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will; 

That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr

 “You are a worthless, no-good, cheating, lying whore, addicted to food, drugs, substances and self pity.” Admit whatever part of that statement that is true about you, and give the maker of the universe permission to change it right now. Make a written list of 10 things you are sorry for in your past, and forgive yourself and ask you Maker to forgive you Admit one of the things on the list to someone today. Burn, bury or destroy the list with the other one at the end of the day.

Physical Detox - Natural Remedies

Home Track

A sea clay body wrap is a really fast way to detox, and it has the added benefit of helping you lose inches. The one I tried was made with sea clay, activated charcoal, and amino acids. You apply the sea clay to your skin, wrap yourself with bandages, and allow the clay to dry for an hour.

Take 4 activated charcoal capsules today, unless you are abusing drugs or alcohol, in which case you will take 10, these are available at many pharmacies, or can be ordered online. This is not the charcoal that you cook hot dogs and hamburgers over, that has lighter fluid applied to it. This is burned hardwood, but it is burned under pressure. This pressure causes the burned wood to develop thousands of additional holes in each grain of charcoal. These holes adsorb toxins just like a sponge. Activated charcoal powder is used in hospital emergency rooms for poisoning, but in the drug store it is mostly sold for gas. It will turn your poop black, but that is normal.

There are several herbs that are excellent for cleaning and detoxing your liver, red clover, dandelion, milk thistle and golden seal being the most popular. Your local health food store will have most of these.

Find someone to trade massages with, you give them one to get one.

Clinic / Spa Track

Add to the home version a full body massage, Sea Clay body wrap or mud bath, and an enema or colonic treatment. The massage will release toxic waste from your muscles and fat tissues, the sea clay body wrap will absorb the toxins, an enema or colonic will flush fecal matter that has been stuck on the sides of your colon for years down the drain.

Your diet today

You may eat all of the fresh fruit or frozen with nothing on it that you want.

You drink all of the 100 % fruit juice that you want. This does not include juice drinks that are mostly corn syrup or sugar.
Images by Dennis Davis,

That is your entire diet for today. No soda, beer, cocktails, coffee, candy, gum, cigarettes etc. will pass your lips.


Walk outdoors in nature if possible, as far as you can twice today. 

Copyright 2012 by Dennis Ray Davis, all rights reserved. No part of this document may be used in any way without permission for businesses, however all grade schools and non profits may use it as much as they wish.

Keywords: health, detox, drugs, weed, pot, spiritual health, mental heath, forgiveness, Christian, Jesus, God, higher power, new start, exercise, diet, weight loss, vegan, drug test, marijuana, alcohol, drug detox

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