Sugar is the devil, it is seductive, crafty, and a master at
temptation. Sugar is almost everywhere, and in almost everything, and avoiding
it is a life-long challenge for the plump. I can never eat just one cookie, or
one piece of candy. Once I have one, it is only moments until I want a second
one. The more I eat, the more I want. The scales tell the story in great
It seems that I am making just enough compromises to stay
exactly where I am. It is a basic principle of weight loss that your calorie
output must exceed your calorie intake to lose weight. You will either need
more exercise or fewer calories to make the fat go away. For me, controlling my
diet was always easier than adding hours of exercise to my schedule, so that
has been my focus. Lately, there have been about 300 calories a day in my diet
consisting of sugary snacks or drinks, or my biggest enemy, CHEESE!
Many cheeses are 70 or 80% fat, and it all seems to collect
at my belly button. When I go out to eat, most restaurants serve entrees that
are either meat-based or cheese-based, and meat is not an option. Other people
in my family eat cheese, so it is always in the refrigerator. I love cheese!
Pizza is awesome! However, if I eat it more than once a week, I know I am going
to stay at my plateau, and that just doesn’t work for me. |
I have become lax, and I am making too many compromises with
my diet. It will take new dedication, new determination and all the self-discipline
I can muster to make these extra calories go away. For me, that will not be
enough. I also have to give my body and my mouth to God daily, and give up the
right to eat what I want. My body is His temple, and junk food doesn’t belong
“Lord, I surrender my body to you right now. I ask that you
take control of my mouth and my mind, and keep me away from food that will harm
your temple. Help me to stay away from sweets, soda and fatty foods. Help me to
enjoy the fruits, nuts, vegetables and whole grains You have provided to keep
me healthy. I give up the right to eat candy today. I give up the right to
French fries. I surrender my pizza craving to you. Please control me, and make
my body beautiful. Amen.”
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